Using UTM parameters with Lucky Orange Conversion Funnels

Conversion Funnels let you identify where potential customers drop off in their buyer’s journey. By creating a certain path, Conversion Funnels help you visualize the number of visitors who successfully navigate each stage of the funnel. Learn more about Conversion Funnels here or read on for more information. 

Note: When creating Conversion Funnels, UTM parameters can also be used to define steps. We recommend making sure that it is your first step in the funnel. 

  1. Navigate to Analytics from the left navigation
  2. Select Funnels
  3. Click on the purple New Funnel button
  4. Give the Funnel a name for internal use and click the purple Next button
  5. Set your first step as your UTM Parameter with these details:
    1. By page URL 
    2. Contains
    3. Paste your UTM parameter in the field, such as utm_medium=ppc. 
  6. Click Add Step to create additional steps in your Funnel. Two is the minimum number of steps required for a Funnel
  7. Drag and drop steps to arrange your Funnel Steps
  8. To delete a step, hover over a specific step. Click on the trash can that will show on the right
  9. Select the purple Done button

Your new Funnel should now display in the Funnels table.