Using UTM parameters with Lucky Orange Session Recordings

UTM parameters can be used within your Lucky Orange Visitors’ table to add UTM parameter columns to your table view and/or filter sessions to identify traffic from specific UTM parameters. Read on for more information. 

Add UTM parameter columns 

Within your Visitors’ table, you can customize the columns and column order as it’s displayed. Adding UTM parameter columns let you see what UTM parameters brought visitors to your website.

To add these details: 

  1. Navigate to Visitors from the left navigation
  2. Click on the column icon located to the far right of the table header
  3. Active columns are shown in navy with available (but inactive) columns shown in gray.
  4. Click on the gray UTM parameter columns, circled below, to add them to your active column list. You can also drag and drop them.
  5. If needed, drag and drop the navy column types to rearrange the column order that will display within the Visitors’ table
  6. Click the purple Done button 

Note: These changes are unique to your Visitors’ table and aren't shared globally among your team. 

At this point, you can view the UTM parameters for each Visitor who came to your website through a link with UTM parameters.

Filter by UTM parameter

  1. Navigate to Visitors from the left navigation
  2. Click on the filter button in the upper right corner of the Visitors’ table
  3. Scroll to the filter for UTM, located about halfway down the filter drawer
  4. Open the UTM parameter of your choice to make your selection(s). You can select multiple parameters if desired. Only UTM parameters that have traffic will be available for filtering.
  5. The Visitors’ table will automatically update as you add or subtract filters

Note: If no visitors are displayed, double-check the date ( shown as Today by default) or segment (shown as Everyone by default) displayed to the left above the Visitors’ Table. 

You can also add this filter combination as a segment. 

  1. Click the gray Save Segment button at the bottom of the filter drawer
  2. Enter an internal name for the segment
  3. Decide the visibility
    1. Everyone: The segment will show to everyone on your team
    2. Personal: The segment will only be visible to you
  4. Click the purple Save button. 

You can now access the segment through the segment drop-down located in the upper left corner of the Visitors’ Table. By default, it will say “Segments."