How to use filters within Lucky Orange

Within Lucky Orange, there are several opportunities to use filters to sort through your data to find just the right visitor on the Visitors’ Table or URL to launch a Dynamic Heatmap or Form Analytics. These filters aren’t used within the Dynamic Heatmaps and Form Analytics features themselves. 

Filters can be used to:

  • Sort the Visitors’ Table to narrow it down to visitors and customers who meet your criteria
  • Launch Dynamic Heatmaps and Form Analytics
  • Create Segments to use throughout the app, including the Visitors’ Table, Chat Invites, Surveys and Announcements 

When using filters, you can add as many combinations as needed to refine your results. The more filters you include, the more refined your results will be. As you open or search for filters, you’ll see the number of visitors who meet each filter:

When using multiple filters, your results will show any visitors who meet the criteria of all the filters applied. For example, if you filter by source, exit page and visit number, the results will show all of the visitors who meet each of those criteria. 

If you are using multiple filter types within the same category of filter, your results will show visitors who meet at least one of those types. This means that if you are filtering by device type and click on mobile and tablet, the results will show any visitor who has either visited your website on mobile or tablet.

** When filtering multiple events, the results will show all visitors who completed at least one of those events. For example, if you filter events based on visitors who visit a specific product page and by visitors who click on the “buy now” button, you will be shown all visitors who have either visited that product page or clicked the “buy now” button.

Filter breakdown

Filter Filters results by Displays as How to use it
Visited Page Which web pages people visited during their sessions  A list of popular web pages; you can also search for specific URLs or keywords within the URLs Select from one or more pages (or manually search for web pages)  that visitors were on during any of their sessions in the last 30 days unless you have upgraded to an extended data storage plan
Exit Page Which web pages people last visited before leaving your website  A list of popular web pages; you can also search for specific URLs or keywords within the URLs Select from one or more pages that was visited last before leaving 
Landing Page Which web pages people visited first when they came to your website A list of popular web pages; you can also search for specific URLs or keywords within the URLs Select from one or more pages that was visited first as the person came to your website
Duration Which sessions match your desired duration, which is how long someone was actively engaged on your website A list of preset durations including 0-5 minute, 5-10 minutes, 10-20 minutes and 21+ minutes. You can also enter in a custom range.  Select from one or more preset duration ranges or customize your own 
IP Address Which sessions contain a specific IP address. This is only available if you have previously enabled IP address collection A list of IP addresses. This will show no options if you have not yet enabled IP address collection. Select one or more IP addresses from the list provided. 
Session Watched Which sessions you have watched or not yet watched. This is unique to your computer and account.  Watched or Unwatched Select from the Session Recordings you’ve already viewed or have yet to view. 
Visit Number Which visitors are new or returning A range of visit numbers (1, 2-10, 11-20, 21+) with options for a custom range Define how many times someone visited your website with a preset range or a custom range
Sources The origins of your traffic  A list of popular traffic source; you can also search for specific URLs or URL keywords Select from one or more of your page’s traffic sources 
Browser Which browser visitors used when on your website A list of visitor browsers; you can also search by specific browsers Select one or more browsers your visitors used 
Operating System Which operating system visitors used to browse your website A list of visitor operating systems; you can also search by specific operating systems Select one or more operating systems your visitors used 
Device Which device type visitors used to browse your website A list of three device types: Desktop, Mobile or Tablet Select from Desktop, Mobile or Tablet devices
Location Where the city, state/region, country or world your visitors were at while visiting your website A list of visitor locations separated by City, State/Region and Country; you can also search for specific URLs or URL keywords Select one or more visitor locations
UTM Specific UTM parameters used in referring links A list of UTM parameters divided by UTM Source, UTM Medium, UTM Term and UTM Campaign; you can also search for specific UTMs Select one or more UTM parameters
Pages Per Session How many pages visitors viewed per session. When selected, it will show you those visitors who visited your specific range or number of pages per session.  A list of preset ranges including 1, 2-10, 11-20, 21+. You can also set your custom range. Select from the preset ranges or a custom range
Viewport Which visitors viewed your website through different viewport height and width Enter custom ranges for viewport height and/or viewport width Enter your desired ranges 
Online Status Whether visitors are currently on your website or have left Offline or online Select from Online or Offline
Starred Which visitors have been previously starred Starred or Not Starred Select from starred or not starred
Custom User Data Which visitors have submitted previously set custom user data A list of custom user data your specific account is passing into Lucky Orange and collects from visitors through an input such as a form Select one or more custom user data passed in through Lucky Orange
Events Which visitors triggered pre-loaded system events, integration events or your own customized events A list of Events triggered in the set time frame; you also search for specific URLs.  Select one or more events that were triggered (contains) or not triggered (does not contain) 
A/B Testing Which visitors were shown specific experiments or variations in an Optimizely A/B Test. The Optimizely integration must be enabled to work properly. Open experiments or variations to see active options. If it isn’t active or has no visitors, it will display 0.  Select from your experiment and/or variations