Use Lucky Orange with Shopify: Use Surveys to find out why someone didn’t finish checking out

Another way to learn more about people who struggled with check out is to run a Survey specifically targeting their experience. Lucky Orange preloads Events specifically made for Shopify stores, including checkout-specific Events to monitor visitors are they move through the checkout process. These Events to help you track visitors through the checkout include:

  • Checkout Started
  • Checkout Address Info Submitted
  • Checkout Shipping Info Submitted
  • Payment Information Submitted
  • Checkout Contact Info Submitted
  • Ordered

Note: Shopify Plus merchants can access data for their Shopify Plus checkout pages. However, communication features including Surveys, Chat Invites and Announcements can't be launched on checkout.

To run the Survey, you need to complete the following. For this help document, we will be recommending your best Survey types, questions and triggers. 

  1. The type of Survey: Select from one of four Survey types
  2. Survey question(s): Select from a single question or multiple questions
  3. Triggers: Determine who will see the Survey in addition to where and when it will be shown. Recommended triggers to specifically target people who started but didn’t complete checkout are included below. 
  4. Delivery: Select how long it will run on your Shopify store
  5. Review: Finalize and launch the Survey 

Want to learn more about creating a Survey? Click here for step-by-step instructions.

Survey type

We recommend using multiple choice, open-ended or rating surveys. Like/dislike Surveys wouldn’t be recommended in this situation. 

  • Multiple choice: This is going to be the most popular Survey to run. This will typically generate more responses. 
    • You can anticipate potential pain points, such as shipping or information requested, and leave additional feedback should the visitor want to leave more details. 
    • Multiple question surveys can be used to ask additional questions as needed
  • Open-ended: This is going to give you the most insight of any Survey. This will typically generate few responses, but the responses you receive will be higher quality. 
    • You don’t have to anticipate what visitors experienced and can let them tell you in their own words with additional feedback available.
    • Multiple question surveys can be used to ask additional questions as needed
  • Rating: This has a generally high response rate but will need to be used in conjunction with additional feedback to get the most insight. 
    • Use this with questions like, “How clear with our shipping policy?” to get the conversation started
    • It can also be used as a multiple question survey

Pro tip: If you’re using multiple question surveys, make sure you include an incentive such as “20% of your order if you complete the following 2-question survey?” in the invitation. This has a higher completion rate which will produce more valuable feedback for you.

Survey Questions

Here are some questions to get you started as you learn more about what stopped someone from checking out.

Survey Type Survey Questions
Multiple Choice - Single Question Q: What stopped you from checking out today?

Choices: Shipping too expensive | Shipping cost unclear | Changed my mind | Don’t trust your site | Other (specify below)

Tip: Make sure you turn on additional feedback to capture more details. 
Multiple Choice  - Multiple Question Invite: Interested in answering a few questions for 20% off today?

Q1: Why didn’t you complete your purchase today?
Choices: Website issues | Shipping costs | Pricing | Unclear policies | Delivery timeframe 

Q2: What change would have persuaded you to complete the purchase?
Choices: Free shipping | Discount coupon | Don't ask for phone number | Longer return period | Something else 

Q3: Did something prevent you from completing your purchase?
Choices: Yes (tell us below) | No

Open-Ended - Single Question Q. How could we have made your checkout process better?
Open-Ended - Multiple Question Invite: Interested in answering a few questions for free shipping today?

Q1: What prevented you from checking out today?

Q2: What unanswered questions did you have before or during checkout?

Q3: What made you decide not to finish checking out today? 
Rating - Single Question Q. How do you rate our checkout process?

Tip: Make sure you turn on additional feedback to capture more details. Change the feedback placeholder to “Tell us how we can make it better”
Rating - Single Question

Invite: Get 20% off your order by answering these 3 questions.

Q1:  How do you rate our shipping information?

Q2:  On a scale of 1 to 5, how competitive is our pricing?

Q3: How do you rate our checkout process? Tell us more below. 

Tip: Make sure you turn on additional feedback. 

Survey Triggers

Recommended advanced triggers to specifically target people who entered but didn’t complete the checkout flow include: 

Rule #1: Event Checkout Started - Any property - Occurred - +1x - within 7 days

We’ve limited this to at least once within 7 days to grab people who are more engaged. You can use “ever” to expand it to anyone who started to checkout before clearing their cookies or their cookies expired.

AND Rule #2: Event Ordered - Any Property - Has Not - within 7 days

This will expand our Rule #1. To trigger someone would have had to begin checking out but didn’t complete the order. You want to match the date parameters with Rule #1 (in this case, within 7 days). 

AND Rule #3: Current Page - Specific URL - Contains - /cart

This rule would trigger the Survey to people who don’t complete the checkout process and then returned to the shopping cart. You can modify this to include “Any page” or additional pages (under the “OR” condition within the same rule). Confused by what AND or OR mean? Read more here.

Tip: If using “Any page” instead of a specific page, we recommend adding an additional AND Rule #4 to include a 3-5 second time delay. This will keep the visitor from being bombarded upon their return.