How to set up Surveys
Surveying your website visitors can provide powerful, real-time feedback to capture honest customer opinions about everything from your website to products and beyond. They can build email lists, generate new leads, grow sales, gather feedback and improve relationships with customers.
Here’s how to set up Surveys:
Note: Account Owners, Admins and Creators can create surveys.
- Navigate to Communicate from the left navigation
- Select Surveys if it’s not already displayed; this should automatically populate when clicking on the Communicate section.
- Click on the purple New Survey button
- Select the type of Survey you want to create
- Multiple choice: Learn from your customer preferences from your list of choices; additional open-ended feedback is optional
- Like or dislike: Use the power of simplify for straightforward feedback
- Rating: Gauge visitor satisfaction with a star-rating system
- Open-ended: Gain more detailed feedback from your visitors
- Give your Survey a name for internal reference and click the purple Next button
At this point, you’ll proceed through a four-step process
- Step 1: Question
- Step 2: Triggers
- Step 3: Delivery
- Step 4: Review
Step 1: Question
Decide what is shown to your visitors
- Add a question. A preview of the question will appear to the right.
- Toggle the button next to Include Subtitle to add any additional information relevant to the question (optional)
- Depending on your survey type, you’ll be able to:
- Multiple choice: Add choices. Click the toggle next to Allow multiple answers to be selected to let visitors pick more than two choices
- Like or dislike/Ratings: Click the toggle next to Show a different response to customize responses for positive or negative feedback
- Open-ended: Click the toggle next to Edit Placeholder to adjust the prompt visitors will be shown. By default, this is set to “Enter response here…”
- Adjust the Thank You message if desired
- OPTIONAL: To ask for additional feedback, click the toggle next to Allow Additional Feedback
- OPTIONAL: To link to a URL after the survey, click the toggle next to Add Button/Link
- When ready, click the purple Next Step button
Step 2: Triggers Customize when the survey is shown to visitors
- For basic triggers, use Simple. This is the default for Triggers.
- Location on the website (select one):
- Any page: The survey will be shown on whatever page the visitors lands on, whether it’s the homepage or a product page.
- Specific URL: This can be set for one specific URL (Exact) or part of a URL (contains).
- Devices (select one): Show to all devices or select one device (Desktop, Tablet or Mobile)
- Delay (select one):
- No delay: Shows the moment someone visits your website
- Time: Triggers between 3 seconds and 5 minutes, started once a visitor lands on your website
- Scroll: Displays the survey after the visitor scrolls between 10% and 100% down the page
- Event: Shows to visitors once they trigger any Event. Click here to learn more about Events.
- Location on the website (select one):
- To further narrow your survey audience, click on Advanced
- Add AND or OR conditions
- AND: A visitor completes both/all rules. For example, the survey would only show to someone who lands on both your homepage AND came from Facebook.
- OR: A visitor completes any of the set rules. For example, the survey would show to anyone who landed on your homepage or came from Facebook, regardless of whether they occurred together.
- Select from an expanded set of rules
- Event: This will show a list of your site’s Events. Click on the drop-down to see a full list of Events. Key Events will be highlighted in color.
- First Visit: Display survey to visitors whose first visit was in the 1 - 90 days
- Last Visit: Display survey to visitors whose last visit was in the 1 - 90 days
- Scroll Delay: Display survey to visitors after they scroll between 10% and 100% down the page
- Segment: Display survey to a specific segment of visitors. Click here to learn more about segments.
- Source: Display survey to visitors that are from or not from a specific source. Click on the drop-down to see your visitors’ sources.
- Time Delay: Display survey between 3 seconds and 5 minutes after the visitor lands on your website
- Current Page: Display survey on a specific page based on URL (exact) or part of a URL (contains)
- Visit Number: Display survey to visitors who have visited your website a certain number of times
- Visited Page: Display survey to those who have visited a specific page based on URL (exact) or part of a URL (contains)
- Add AND or OR conditions
- When ready, click the purple Next Step button.
Step 3: Delivery
- Click how long you want the Survey to be active. Options include:
- Ongoing: Shows to visitors until you pause it
- 1 week: Shows to visitors for seven days before automatically ending
- 2 weeks: Shows to visitors for 14 days before automatically ending
- 1 month: Shows to visitors for 30 days before automatically ending
- When ready, click the purple Next Step button
Step 4: Review
- Check over your survey. The Survey triggers and delivery settings will be shown in text on the left. A preview of what visitors will see will be shown on the right.
- To edit any part of the Survey or the Survey settings:
- Click on any of the underlined triggers or display settings from review
- Select any of the steps at the top of the page
- Click the gray Prev Step button
- If it looks good:
- Click Save to save it to your Surveys table; it will remain paused and inactive until you make it live.
- Click Launch to make it live on your site