Data export column headers: Visitors

In the help document, we’re going to define and explain each column header that will export from the table within Visitors. Click here to learn more about data exporting.

Note: Data exporting will export any segments selected or filters applied. For example, if you have added an optimizable segment, the filters associated with the segment will refine the number of visitors both displayed in the table and exported. 

Column name Definition Example
Id The ID is a unique identification of a visitor used internally within Lucky Orange. See the Visitor Id and/or Session ID column names below to search within Lucky Orange.  1a2b3c4d-7891234567891-t8d9s5b653896111g
Created At Created At is the date (UTC) when the visitor first landed on your website and their session was created within our system 2023-04-18T16:10:48.407Z
Updated At Updated At is the date (UTC) when the visit last interacted during their session 2023-04-18T16:12:37Z
Site Id Site ID is a unique identifier assigned to a website to distinguish it from others. It helps identify and manage specific websites within Lucky Orange. You can find your Site ID within Settings. 1a2b3c4d
Visitor Id Visitor ID is a unique identifier assigned to individual visitors on a website. It helps track and distinguish one visitor from another within Lucky Orange, enabling personalized experiences and analytics. Copy the entire field and use it to search within Lucky Orange's Visitors; Table. You may need to update the date range within the Visitors' Table. It will up all of the visitor's sessions within that date range rather than one session. 1a2b3c4d-7894561235489-re89723111aaa8af
Duration Duration is the actual time (milliseconds) someone spent on your website. This may or may not match the session viewer length if watching a Session Recording due to other variables such as page speed load and inactivity. Read more here. 24310
Pages Per Session Pages Per Sessions details how many web pages the visitors viewed during their session 2
Last Active Url ’ Hash Last Active URL Hash is the specific section or anchor of the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page within a website.
Last Active Url ’ Host Last Active URL Host is the main domain or website address of the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page within a website.
Last Active Url ’ Href Last Active URL Href is the complete web address of the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page within a website, including the host, path, protocol, port, and search parameters.
Last Active Url ’ Path Last Active URL Path is the specific directory or location within a website of the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page.
Last Active Url ’ Port Last Active URL Port is the communication endpoint number through which the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page within a website was accessed.
Last Active Url ’ Protocol Last Active URL Protocol is the set of rules and conventions that define how data is transferred between a web browser and the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page within a website.
Last Active Url ’ Search Last Active URL Search is the additional parameters or information included in the web address of the last page a user was on before navigating to a new page within a website, typically following a question mark "?" in the URL.
Client Version Client version refers to the specific version or release of the web browser or application that a user is using to access a website.  122a3ab
Unique Unique lists whether it's the user's first session (TRUE) or previous sessions (FALSE) TRUE 
Store Ip Store IP lists whether the Lucky Orange account is storing their visitors’ IP addresses. It’s determined by yes (TRUE) or no (FALSE). Learn more about IP addresses here. TRUE
IP Address IP address is a unique identifier assigned to devices on a network or internet to enable communication and identification. If the IP address is not stored, it will produce a string of numbers and letters that can be used to search within Lucky Orange to find the visitor.
Locale Locale lists the visitor’s language and country in the combination of language abbreviation - country code.  en-US
Visit The number of visits the visitor made to the website 10
Landing Url ’ Hash A landing URL hash refers to the part of a website URL that appears after the "#" symbol. It often points to a specific section within a web page. When clicked, it scrolls the user to that specific section, allowing for easy navigation within long web pages without reloading the entire page.
Landing Url ’ Host The landing page URL host refers to the main domain or website address where a landing page is hosted. It identifies the specific website that the landing page belongs to.
Landing Url ’ Href The landing page URL href refers to the complete web address of a landing page. It includes the landing page URL host, any path or directories within the website, and any additional parameters or anchors. In the example, the landing page URL href includes the landing page URL host (""), a specific path or directory ("/landing-page"), and additional UTM parameters ("utm_source=google&utm_campaign=marketing"). It represents the complete web address of the landing page.
Landing Url ’ Path The landing page URL path refers to the specific location or directory within a website where a landing page resides. It comes after the domain name in the URL and indicates the specific page or folder structure within the website hierarchy.
Landing Url ’ Port The landing page URL port is a number that represents a specific communication endpoint on a web server. It is usually not explicitly mentioned in a typical landing page URL and is often omitted as it defaults to the standard HTTP port 80 or HTTPS port 443. The port number specifies how the server communicates with the browser when loading the landing page.
Landing Url ’ Protocol The landing page URL protocol is the set of rules and conventions that define how data is transferred between a web browser and a website. It determines if the URL begins with "http://" or "https://", indicating a secure or non-secure connection.
Landing Url ’ Search The landing page URL search, also known as the query string, is the part of a URL that follows a question mark "?" and contains additional parameters or information. It can include key-value pairs or UTM parameters  like "utm_source=google" that provide data to the landing page or track specific information about the visitor's source or behavior.
User Agent A User Agent is a software program or application that acts on behalf of a user when interacting with websites or online services. It provides information about the device, browser, and operating system being used, helping websites deliver content that is compatible with the user's device and preferences. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36
Referrer ’ Known Referrer 'Known' is a value used to indicate that the referring source of a visitor to a website is known and can be identified (TRUE). If the referring source is unknown, this is shown as FALSE TRUE
Referrer ’ Domain Referrer 'Domain' refers to the main website or domain from which a visitor arrives at another website. It provides information about the source website that directed the visitor.
Referrer ’ Source Referrer 'Source' refers to the specific origin or source from which a visitor arrives at a website. It identifies the website, search engine, or platform that directed the visitor. Unlike UTM_Source, this is picked up automatically and doesn't have the level of detail that UTM parameters provide. Google
Referrer ’ Medium Referrer 'Medium' refers to the broad category or type of source that brings visitors to a website. It describes the general marketing channel or platform through which the visitor arrived, such as organic search, social media, email, or referral. It helps identify the overall source of traffic to a website. This is picked up automatically but doesn't have the same level of detail that UTM parameters provide. Search
Referrer ’ Term Referrer 'Term' refers to the specific keyword or search term used by a visitor that led them to a website from a search engine. It is automatically captured from search engine referrals, while UTM_term is a manually set parameter for tracking specific keywords in marketing campaigns. Blue shoes 
Referrer ’ Uri Referrer 'URI' refers to the complete Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the referring page that directed a visitor to another website. It includes the full web address of the source page, providing specific information about the exact location from which the visitor originated.
Geo ’ City The name of the city where the visitor/IP address is located San Francisco
Geo ’ Country Iso The two-letter ISO code for the country where the visitor/IP address is located US
Geo ’ Country Name The name of the country where the visitor/IP address is located United States
Geo ’ Continent Code The two-letter code for the continent where the visitor/IP address is located NA
Geo ’ Continent Name The name of the continent where the visitor/IP address is located North America
Geo ’ Region Name The name of the region where the visitor/IPaddress is located California
Geo ’ Region Code The code for the region where the visitor/IP address is located CAlifornia
Geo ’ Timezone The timezone of the location where the visitor/IP address is located America/Los_Angeles
Geo ’ Location ’ Lat The latitude of the location where the visitor/IP address is located 37.7749
Geo ’ Location ’ Lon The longitude of the location where the visitor/IP address is located -122.4194
Device ’ Browser Name The name of the web browser that the visitor used to access the website Chrome
Device ’ Browser Full The full name and version of the web browser that the visitor used to access the website Chrome 90.0.4430.212
Device ’ Os Name The name of the operating system that the visitor used iOS
Device ’ Os Full The full name and version of the operating system that the visitor used iOS 14.5.1
Device ’ Device Type The type of device that the visitor used to access the website mobile
Geo ’ Postal Code he postal code or ZIP code of the location where the IP address associated with the visitor is registered 94107
Geo ’ Dma Code The DMA (Designated Market Area) code is a unique identifier for a region used by Nielsen for measuring television audiences. 807
Referrer ’ Utm Source Referrer UTM source is a tracking parameter used in marketing to identify the source of website traffic. When you see a URL with UTM parameters, the UTM source tells you where the visitors are coming from (referring). It could be a specific platform like Facebook, Instagram, or a newsletter. UTM parameters like source are not typically automatically added to a campaign link and are added manually through a tool like Google Campaign Builder. utm_source=facebook
Referrer ’ Utm Medium Referrer UTM medium is the categorization of the marketing channel that brought someone to a website. It could be "social media," "email," or "organic search." platform like Facebook, Instagram, or a newsletter. UTM parameters like source are not typically automatically added to a campaign link and are added manually through a tool like Google Campaign Builder. utm_medium=social
Referrer ’ Utm Campaign Referrer UTM campaign is a label that identifies a specific marketing campaign or promotion that brought someone to a website. It helps businesses track the success of their different campaigns and understand which ones are driving the most visitors. It's like a tag that shows how well a specific marketing effort is performing. UTM parameters like source are not typically automatically added to a campaign link and are added manually through a tool like Google Campaign Builder. utm_campaign=cybermonday
Referrer ’ Utm Term Referrer UTM term is a parameter used to track the specific keyword or search term that led someone to a website. It helps businesses understand which keywords are driving the most traffic from search engines. It's like a tag that tells them what people are searching for to find their site. UTM parameters like source are not typically automatically added to a campaign link and are added manually through a tool like Google Campaign Builder. utm_term=new-parents
Referrer ’ Utm Content Referrer UTM content is a parameter that helps identify different versions or elements of a marketing campaign. It allows businesses to track which specific content or ad variant led visitors to their website. UTM parameters like source are not typically automatically added to a campaign link and are added manually through a tool like Google Campaign Builder. utm_content=ad2