How to find and filter Session Recordings by pages visited
Want to see the web pages that people visited? Here’s how.
Note: Page information is limited to visits within the last 30-60 days (depending on your plan) and any upgraded data storage you may have selected from your account Plan & Billing page.
To view pages
- Navigate to Visitors from the left navigation
- Customize your table to show Pages if you haven’t already. Click here for instructions.
- To the right of the unique identifier or the customer’s name, find the Pages column. This will be dependent on how you set your column order. You may need to click on arrows located near the edit button if you have more columns that can fit in your screen's resolution.
- Click the gray box that displays with a number in it; a drawer will open to the right that lists the pages viewed
- The Visitor Path will show the pages in reverse order that the visitor navigated starting with the most recent to the landing page.
- To return to the table, click the X in the upper left corner of the drawer
To filter Session Recordings by pages visited![](//
- Navigate to Visitors if you haven’t already done so
- Customize your table to show Exit Pages and/or Landing Pages if you haven’t already. Click here for instructions.
- Click on Filter in the upper left corner of the section, located just above the table
- Filter by Visited Page to see who went to specific pages
- Click the Visited Page filter
- Select from the list available or search for a page
- Click the checkbox next to the desired page(s)
- Filter by Exit Page to see who left at specific pages
- Click the Exit Page filter
- Select from the list available or search for a page
- Click the checkbox next to the desired page(s)
- Filter by Landing Page to see who first saw specific pages
- Click the Landing Page filter
- Select from the list available or search for a page
- Click the checkbox next to the desired page(s)
- Add other filters as necessary, such as UTM parameters, Visit Number and Source
- Click the Done button to close the Filters drawer or click the gray Save Segment button to save this segment to use at a later time in Visitors or within Communicate