FAQ: Why isn’t my GA4 integration working?

A few of our users may run into a scenario where their Lucky Orange integration with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is enabled but the integration doesn’t appear to be working. In this case, events won’t flow from GA4 into Lucky Orange or from Lucky Orange into GA4.  

This occurs most often with but is not limited to users who installed GA4 via Google Tag Manager. 

To correct this issue, complete the following steps

  1. Avoid thresholding by disabling Google Signals
  2. Add this code directly to your website, updating G-XXXX123456 with your measurement ID.
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
<br>function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}<br>
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'X-XXXX123456');

Once these changes are made, it should have an immediate effect on your GA4 account. 

To ensure that these changes solved your Lucky Orange integration connection issue with GA4

  1. Access your Google Analytics integration page within Lucky Orange (Already logged into Lucky Orange? Click here to go directly to the page)
  2. Make sure “Send Lucky Orange Events to Google Analytics is active
  3. Add a popular Event to send into Google Analytics. We recommend an Event that you could easily replicate on your website, such as rage click (clicking rapidly on your website). If you’re running a Survey or Announcement on your website and haven't blocked your own IP address, you could also use Survey Viewed or Announcement Viewed as Events.
  4. Log into your GA4 account
  5. Select Reports
  6. Click Realtime
  7. On a different browser tab, pull up your website and complete the Event action you selected (e.g., rage clicking). 
  8. Return to your GA4 tab and refresh the page. At the bottom of the Realtime Overview, you should see a list of Events. You may need to use the scroll arrows to access all Events. Your Lucky Orange Events that you selected will display.

Note: It may take 8+ hours for the events passing from Lucky Orange into GA4 to show in GA4 through 

  • Reports > Engagement > Events 
  • Admin > Events