How to integrate Lucky Orange with Google Analytics
Note: Only Account Owners and Admins can enable integrations within Lucky Orange. Learn more about permissions here.
- Navigate to Settings from the left navigation
- Click on Integrations located under the site name at the top of the left menu
- Select the Google Analytics card
- Click the gray Connect toggle to enable the Google Analytics integration. It will pick up if you already have Google Analytics installed on your site and no additional steps to connect to the integration will be needed.
- By default, the settings will be activated once the Google Analytics integration is connected
- Intercept Google Analytics events: Sends Events set up with Google Analytics JavaScript API into Lucky Orange. This will automatically create new Events within Lucky Orange that match the Google Analytics Event. It passes in all of the metadata associated with the Google Analytics Event, including category, label, action and value. You can manage the Events through the Event Manager.
- Send Lucky Orange Events to Google Analytics: Sends the Lucky Orange Events you select from Lucky Orange into Google Analytics
- Click the drop-down in the gray box at the bottom of the setting
- Search for or scroll to find your desired Event
- Click the Event to add it to the list of Events you want to send into Google Analytics
- Repeat to add your desired number of Events
- To remove the Event, click the X to the right of the Event name
- Changes will be saved automatically
- Intercept Google Analytics events: Sends Events set up with Google Analytics JavaScript API into Lucky Orange. This will automatically create new Events within Lucky Orange that match the Google Analytics Event. It passes in all of the metadata associated with the Google Analytics Event, including category, label, action and value. You can manage the Events through the Event Manager.
- To turn off a setting, click the blue toggle to the right of the setting to move it from active to disabled.
*Once the integration has been activated, it takes Google Analytics at least 8 hours to include Lucky Orange events in their reporting.
Where are Lucky Orange Events found in Google Analytics?
Once the integration is activated and Lucky Orange events have started passing through to Google Analytics, they will appear next to all of the other events in Google Analytics under the same name you gave them in Lucky Orange.
To view events in GA4, click on Reports on the left navigation bar, click Engagement, and then Events. The Lucky Orange events will be displayed with the Google Analytics events.
*If you want to identify Lucky Orange events in Google Analytics, choose a name you recognize.
Why is my Lucky Orange data different than my Google Analytics data?
Google Analytics only updates its data every 4-8 hours, while Lucky Orange’s data updates in real-time. Because our data refreshes more frequently than Google Analytics, the events data doesn’t always match.
*Google Analytics Realtime Report won’t show all the Lucky Orange events passing through because it only represents the last 30 minutes of collected data.