Introduction to Form Analytics

In this article:

What’s Form Analytics? 

Form Analytics takes the visual representation of Dynamic Heatmaps and adds in form field information to see which form inputs are having an impact on the customer experience. With Form Analytics, you can see how visitors engraved with the form fields for a clear illustration to help you: 

  • Understand how your visitors use your forms
  • Learn what form fields could be modified, moved further on the form, combined with other fields or removed altogether
  • Isolate potential trouble fields that are causing visitors to drop off your form 
  • Make your forms better than ever

Why use Form Analytics?

Similar to Dynamic Heatmaps, Form Analytics provides you with the abilities to make your forms better for your visitors which in turn increases your conversions. 

As any business owner, user experience (UX) professional, web designer, marketer, sales leader and others understand, your forms can make or break your business. 

Whether it’s used to generate leads, complete a checkout, gather customer feedback or connect with visitors, your form is important. A good form results in happier customers and higher conversions, while a bad form has the potential of ruining the visitors’ impression and trust in your brand and products or service. 

With Form Analytics, you can:

  • Determine which fields has the highest abandonment
  • Identify which fields took the longest time to complete
  • Discover if fields required multiple attempts by your visitor to complete Find the average time it took someone to start each field
  • Evaluate the order in which visitors completed your form
  • Jump to Session Recordings to assess if the visitor experienced technical errors that impacted their behavior
  • Compare current and past form versions or field changes 

Lucky Orange uses advanced detection methods to detect your form automatically. We also offer options to build your own custom form report directly within Form Analytics. To custom-build your form report: 

  1. Launch Form Analytics if you haven’t already:
    1. Navigate to Analytics from the left navigation within the Lucky Orange app 
    2. Select Form Analytics from the list on the left
    3. Click on the gray Launch Form Analytics button to the right of your desired form
  2. From the dialogue box on the right, click on the blue Create new form button
  3. Enter a form name 
  4. Select your desired conversion metric; we recommend using “Element clicked.”
  5. Click on the blue Add field button
  6. Select the blue magnifying glass icon to choose a field on your form
  7. Move your mouse cursor over a field and click on it to select it. Field information will automatically populate in your field details in the dialogue box on the right.
  8. Click the green check mark to complete the field addition
  9. Select the pencil icon to modify the field name as needed
  10. Continue with the remaining form fields

Can all forms be analyzed with Form Analytics?

The powerful capabilities of Form Analytics can be used on many forms. However, form analytics can’t typically be used with forms that are displayed in an iFrame. As a result, common forms that are found within an iFrame - such as HubSpot forms and many third party apps used by retail platforms such as BigCommerce and Shopify won’t have visitor data in either Form Analytics or Dynamic Heatmaps.  

Note: In some cases, iFrames can be tracked by Lucky Orange if you have access to the backend of the iFrame. Click here to learn more.

Using iFrames prevent Form Analytics and other Lucky Orange features such as Dynamic Heatmaps and Session Recordings from tracking and displaying visitor engagement, interactions and inputs. While Lucky Orange’s tracking code recognizes that an iFrame is present on your form, the system can’t tell you how people engaged with it. Click here to learn more about iFrames.

This is a common blind spot that all conversion and analytics tools have due to the nature of iFrames. To check if your form is within an iframe:

  • Contact the third party directly
  • Watch a Session Recording of someone interacting with that page. The area where the form would be will display as a gray box or white area if it’s housed within an iFrame.
  • Open Form Analytics. In the Dynamic Heatmap overlay that populates on top of the form, you won’t be able to see any clicks or engagement on the form itself.

If tracking the form within the iFrame is important to you, we highly recommend finding an alternative product or method that isn’t confined to an iFrame. 

For more answers to your Form Analytics questions, click here for Form Analytics FAQs or use the links below to learn more about Form Analytics.