How to integrate Lucky Orange with HubSpot

To have access to CRM cards within HubSpot, you must be on the latest version of Lucky Orange.

Note: Make sure the email address used with your HubSpot account matches the email address used by your Lucky Orange account owner.  The account owner is the person who created the Lucky Orange account. To determine who is the owner of your Lucky Orange account, click on Settings from the left navigation. Members, which will open by default, will show a list of roles and access including the owner. Click here to learn how to transfer Lucky Orange ownership.

This guide will take you through enabling the Lucky Orange integration with HubSpot that will allow Lucky Orange data to pass into the HubSpot CRM. If you’re looking for a guide to install Lucky Orange on HubSpot websites and landing pages, click here.

What does the Lucky Orange integration with HubSpot do?

Connecting Lucky Orange with HubSpot lets you prepare for conversations with clients and optimize your website conversions by maximizing engagements. You do this through:

  • Accessing the contact’s Session Recordings
  • Viewing Chat conversations
  • Passing through the Events you want to monitor
  • Seeing the contact’s information, such as browser and device

How to connect Lucky Orange and HubSpot

There are three steps to integrating Lucky Orange with HubSpot:

  1. Connect Lucky Orange with HubSpot
  2. Select the Lucky Orange Events to pass into HubSpot. Click here for a full list of System Events that are automatically pulled for you.
  3. Activate HubSpot form submissions (if not already done) 

Important note: Using a non-HubSpot form? Make sure you’re passing custom user data into Lucky Orange to connect the user within Lucky Orange to your customer timeline within HubSpot. Click here to learn more.

Have questions about the HubSpot integration? Click here to check out our HubSpot Integration FAQ page. 

Step 1: Connect Lucky Orange with HubSpot

Note: Account Owners and Admins can both enable integrations. 

  1. Log into your HubSpot account; being logged in will help during the connection process. 
  2. From Lucky Orange, navigate to Settings from the left navigation
  3. Click on Integrations
  4. Select HubSpot
  5. Click the Connect toggle
  6. In the popup, click on the HubSpot account you want to connect
  7. Select the orange Choose Account button
  8. When prompted, accept the app permissions. Scroll down to complete the CAPTCHA images. 

Once connected, a light blue banner at the top of the page will appear confirming that the integration is connected. Under the HubSpot logo on the left, the toggle will now show as connected in dark blue. 

Step 2: Select the Lucky Orange Events to HubSpot

Pass through your most important Lucky Orange Events straight into HubSpot, whether they are System Events, integration-based Events, URL-based Events or custom API Events.  Click here to learn more about Events.

Be default, this option isn't enabled. Until it's enabled, Events won’t be passed into HubSpot. You will still be able to view the browser details, device information, Session Recordings and Chat conversations. Toggling on Events will allow you to better understand your contact’s behaviors and experiences. 

Already in the HubSpot integration on Lucky Orange? Skip to Step 4. 

  1. Navigate to Settings from the left navigation
  2. Click on Integrations
  3. Select HubSpot
  4. Click the toggle to the right of “Send Lucky Orange Events for HubSpot.” Once this is activated, you will need to select your desired Events to pass through to HubSpot. 
  5. From the dropdown menu, select an Event you want to send from Lucky Orange into HubSpot
  6. Repeat as needed to include additional Events. You can manually add all Events or select just a few. 

Step 3: Activate HubSpot form submissions 

Enabling this will create an Event called “HubSpot Form Submitted” that will trigger each time a HubSpot form is submitted on your website.  

When using a HubSpot form, customer information will be passed through automatically into the Visitor’s Profile without requiring additional custom user data. Custom user data will be needed for other forms to pass through customer data, such as email address. Click here to learn how to set up custom user data.

How this is used: This is for internal use within Lucky Orange. Using the HubSpot Form Submitted Event you can:

  • Filter Dynamic Heatmaps, Form Analytics and the Visitors’ Table to see data from those who submitted HubSpot  forms
  • Analyze individual Visitor Profiles to see who submitted a HubSpot form 
  • Trigger Surveys, Chat Invites and Announcements to just those who submitted a HubSpot form
  • Add an Event dashboard to your Dashboard to monitor your HubSpot form submissions
  • Create Funnels based on HubSpot form submissions 

To activate HubSpot Form submissions

Once the integration is connected, the toggle for "Capture HubSpot Form Submissions" will be enabled by default. If you have disabled this option, we highly recommend enabling it. Here’s how to enable it. 

Already in the HubSpot integration on Lucky Orange? Skip to Step 4.

  1. Navigate to Settings from the left navigation
  2. Click on Integrations
  3. Select HubSpot
  4. Click the toggle to the right of “Capture HubSpot Form Submissions”