How to cancel your plan

We’re sorry to see you go! Before you leave, there are a few options that you may want to consider depending on your pageview needs: 

  1. Downgrade your plan
  2. Use our free plan

Our team would also be happy to offer assistance to answer any questions or address any issues you may be experiencing:

  • Simply send us an email
  • Catch us on chat at
  • Use the life raft in your Lucky Orange account to get the conversation started

How to cancel your plan: Trial or freemium

To cancel your free trial or a freemium site, simply uninstall our code from your website. No other steps will be necessary. 

How to cancel your plan: Paid

For paid plans, uninstalling the code won’t cancel the account. In order to fully cancel your account, the Account Owner should complete these steps.

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Select Plans & Billing from the Settings menu
  3. Click the Cancel Plan button located under Remaining Sessions
  4. When prompted, tell us why you are canceling and any other feedback you may have. When finished, select the Cancel My Plan button. 

How to cancel your plan: Shopify

Manually removing the code from your Shopify store won’t uninstall Lucky Orange. You must uninstall the app through Shopify to complete the cancellation process. This will also remove the tracking code from your site.

  1. Log into your Shopify account
  2. Select Apps from the main navigation
  3. Click the red Delete text to the right of the Lucky Orange app
  4. In the confirmation message, select Delete to confirm 

What happens if you cancel mid-billing cycle

Regardless of when you cancel, you can access your Lucky Orange account at any time through the end of the billing cycle. You can find this information by going into Settings and click on Plan & Billing.

What does this mean? It means that, even after canceling: 

  • Lucky Orange continues to track your visitor data until you’ve hit your plan’s pageview limit or the billing cycle ends unless the tracking code has been removed. 
  • You can still access your account before the billing cycle ends to access all features, including Session Recordings, Live Chat, Dynamic Heatmaps, Surveys and more. If you hit your plan’s pageview limit during this time, tracking and communication features like surveys and chat will no longer be available. However, you will still have access to all data collected before the limit was reached.