Data export column headers: Top Elements (Heatmap)

In the help document, we’re going to define and explain each column header that can be exported when looking at the Elements analytics from within a Heatmap. To access:

  1. Navigate to Analytics from the left navigation
  2. Launch a Heatmap for the page of your choice 
  3. Select the Elements tab at the top of the page
  4. Click on the download icon shown at the top of the Element analytics drawer that will display to the upper right of the Heatmap

Note: Filters applied through segmentation will apply to the downloaded CSV files. For example, if you’ve added a filter to only look at mobile devices, the Top Elements export will only include data based on mobile users.

Column name Definition Example
Rank Rank shows the popularity of specific elements on a website. The more clicks the element receives, the higher the rank. This can include links, images, menus and more. 1
Clicks Clicks show the number of individual clicks on each element during the last 30 days based on when the report was exported. 284
Percentage Percentage shows the percentage based on the total number of clicks. If there were 700 clicks on a web page and one element was clicked 300 times, it would represent 43% of the total clicks. 43%
Element Type Element Type describes the element in an easy-to-understand way Button
Element Content Element Content includes any text within that specific element Learn more
Element Selector Element Selector shows the code or identifier used to target and select specific elements on a webpage. It helps developers apply styles or perform actions on those elements. .nav-bar

Additional information included in the downloaded CSV file include:

  • CSV file name, including the date exported
  • Site ID
  • Event type: Clicks
  • Number of total clicks
  • Number of total elements
  • URL of the page