Data export column headers: Surveys

In the help document, we’re going to define and explain each column header that will export from the Visitors tab within a Survey summary. Click here to learn more about data exporting.

Note: Data exporting will export any segments selected or filters applied. For example, if you have refined the date range, it will only export those visitors who responded to your Survey within that selected date range. 

Column name Definition Example
Id The ID is a unique identification of a visitor used internally within Lucky Orange. See the Visitor Id column name below to search within Lucky Orange.  1a2b3c4d-7891234567891-t8d9s5b653896111g
Created At Created At is the date (UTC) when the visitor first landed on your website and their session was created within our system 2023-04-18T16:10:48.407Z
Updated At Updated At is the date (UTC) when the visit last interacted during their session 2023-04-18T16:12:37Z
Site Id A site ID is a unique identifier assigned to a website to distinguish it from others. It helps identify and manage specific websites within Lucky Orange. You can find your Site ID within Settings. 1a2b3c4d
Visitor Id A visitor ID is a unique identifier assigned to individual visitors on a website. It helps track and distinguish one visitor from another within Lucky Orange, enabling personalized experiences and analytics. Copy the entire field and use it to search within Lucky Orange's Visitors; Table. You may need to update the date range within the Visitors' Table. It will up all of the visitor's sessions within that date range rather than one session. 1a2b3c4d-7894561235489-re89723111aaa8af
Session Id Session ID is the session that the Survey was shown to the visitor 1a2b3c4d-1234563529552-522793a5b3533fd0
Page Id Page ID is the page on which the Survey was shown. This is designated within the Session Viewer when the Survey event was triggered. a1b234c5-123467891011-d6e78901f2g34h5i
Name Name is the name of the Survey-based Event, including Survey Viewed, Survey Dismissed and Survey Responded Survey Viewed
Ingested At Ingested at is when the Survey response was captured by our system. 2023-04-18T17:03:27.215Z
Meta → Local Time Now Meta Local Time Now is the current local time based on the visitor's time zone, shown as a Unix timestamp. Use this tool to convert it to a timestamp. 1685635321119
Meta → Server Time Now Meta Server Time Now is the current time on the server hosting the website. Use this tool to convert it to a timestamp. 1685635321024
Meta → Local Time Meta Local Time is the local time based on the visitor's specific location or time zone. Use this tool to convert it to a timestamp. 1685635295582
Meta → Server Time Meta Server Time is the time on the server hosting the website for a specific location. Use this tool to convert it to a timestamp. 1685635295487
Meta → V Meta V is the version of Surveys 5
Meta → Survey Id Meta Survey ID is the unique Survey's identification number. You can search for it within your Surveys overview 1ABcdE2fGHijzLM-no
Mood Mood will be included in a future phase of Lucky Orange Surveys. It's currently left blank for all exports. (Intentionally blank)
Namespace Namespace lists the type of feature used Surveys
Revenue Revenue will be included in a future phase of Lucky Orange $0
Type Type will be included in a future phase of Lucky Orange. It's currently left blank for all exports. (Intentionally blank)
Meta → Responses → A 12 Bc 345 Meta Responses include the individual question ID within the column header (See A 12 Bc 345 in the column header listed to the left listed within the column header itself). This will include the response for that question. Multiple Question Surveys will include additional headers for other question responses. B. More shipping options
Meta → Statistics → A 12 Bc 345→ Time Spent Meta Statistics also include the individual question ID within the column header (A 12 Bc 345 as shown within the column header). This will include how much time (in milliseconds) the person spends responding to the question. Multiple Question Surveys will include additional headers for other question responses. 2261
Meta → Time To Start Meta Time To Start is the time (in milliseconds) it took visitors to interact with the Survey based on the time they landed on the web page. 11407
Meta → Feedback Meta Feedback lists additional feedback provided to the Survey. I would pay extra for FedEx
Meta → Local Created At Meta Local Created At is a timestamp noting when a specific event or data point was created, according to the local time of the device where it happened. It's part of a future phase of Lucky Orange. It's currently left intentionally blank. (intentionally blank)
Meta → Raw Server Time Raw server time refers to the unprocessed time recorded directly by a computer server. It's essentially the exact moment an event occurred according to the server's internal clock. This can be different from local time due to factors like time zones and daylight saving changes. It's crucial for accurate data logging and will be included in a future phase of Lucky Orange. It's currently left intentionally blank. (intentionally blank