How to translate Lucky Orange in Chrome (desktop)

Note: This guide is for translating Chrome and Chromium-based browsers, including Edge and Brave. We also have guides for Firefox (desktop), Safari (desktop) and Safari (mobile)

If your Chrome browser is already set to your native language, you can immediately translate the Dashboard and other features into your language:

  1. Click the Google Translate icon located at the top of your browser window to the right of the address bar
  2. Toggle your language

If this option is not available, you can update your Chrome settings:

  1. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of your browser window
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on Advanced from the left navigation
  4. From the dropdown, select Languages
  5. Add your language(s) of choice
    1. Under the dropdown for Language, it will currently show English. Select English
    2. Click on the blue Add Language text 
    3. Select from the populated list or search for a language
    4. Click the blue Add button
  6. Update the language settings
    1. Select the three dots to the right of a language
    2. Check the boxes next to “Offer to translate pages in this language” and “Display Google Chrome in this language”
    3. You can also move it to the top of the list of language to indicate this is your preferred language
  7. Navigate back to the Lucky Orange app 
  8. Refresh the page