Chat settings: How to set office hours and time zone

Using Lucky Orange live Chat? In this help doc, you’ll find information about office hours and time zones.

Note: Only account owners and admins can adjust these settings. 

Office hours

What is it: Office hours let customers know when you’ll likely be online. Setting expectations up front about when visitors can expect your team to be available to chat can build trust and improve the overall customer experience.  

When is it used: Office hours are shown to visitors on your away form. If you select the During Office Hours setting for the Chat Launcher, office hours can also be used to set when the Chat button is displayed to visitors. Click here to learn about the Chat Launcher settings. 

How to set office hours:

  1. Navigate to Communicate from the left navigation
  2. Click on Chat Settings
  3. Select Appearance
  4. Scroll the bottom of the page to find the Office Hours setting
  5. Click on the box next to the specific day to check or uncheck it
    1. CHECKED boxes indicate when you are in office and ready to display your Chat icon
    2. UNCHECKED boxes indicate when you aren’t in office and don’t want to display the Chat icon 
  6. For days of the week that are checked, a blue slider will appear. Move either end of the slider to adjust your normal opening and closing hours.
  7. Select the Save Updates button 

Time zone

What is it: Office hours designate your working hours during which your team can be available to chat. Setting the time zone keeps your office hours accurate. This time zone updates automatically if your area has a seasonal time adjustment such as daylight savings time. 

Where is it used: It’s used to ensure that your Chat icon is displayed at the right time during your actual office hours. 

How to set your location timezone: 

  1. Navigate to Communicate from the left navigation
  2. Click on Chat Settings
  3. Select Appearance
  4. Scroll the bottom of the page to find the Office Hours setting
  5. Click on the underlined pencil. This will show by default as an underlined pencil but will update to your designated time zone if previously set.
  6. When the pencil is clicked, a list of time zones will populate. Select from the list or search from your specific time zone.
  7. Once selected, the updated time zone should now appear. It will be saved automatically.