Need help? Hire a certified Fiverr expert
Lucky Orange partnered with Fiverr to provide our users with access to Lucky Orange-certified experts. These Fiverr experts have passed a Lucky Orange certification test and can provide services including:
Fiverr Certified Category | Fiverr Experts will be able to |
Integrations | Set up your Lucky Orange integration with Shopify, BigCommerce, HubSpot, Wordpress, GA4 and more. |
Installation | Install Lucky Orange on your website |
Website optimization | Analyze and optimize your website based on visitor behavior from Lucky Orange |
Customer research | Set up a Survey, Announcement and/or Live Chat to collect customer feedback and research |
Traffic analysis | Analyze your traffic sources to find which ones bring the most engaged audience |
Set up and training | Provide in-depth training to get to learn more about your visitors through Lucky Orange |