Data export column headers: Conversion Funnels

In the help document, we’re going to define and explain each column header that will export from the Analytics tab within a Conversion Funnel overview. Click here to learn more about data exporting.

Note: Data exporting will export any segments selectedor filters applied. For example, if you have refined the date range, it will only export those visitors who started your Conversion Funnels within that selected date range. 

Column name Definition Example
Key The ID is a unique identification of a visitor used internally within Lucky Orange. See the Visitor Id column name below to search within Lucky Orange. 1a2b3c4d-7891234567891-t8d9s5b653896111g
Count Count is the number of times the visitor entered into the funnel. 1
Created At Created At is the date (UTC) when the visitor first landed on your website and their session was created within our system 2023-05-12T20:38:23.993Z
Name The name is the name of what data was exported. This is not the name of the funnel. Funnel Converted
Namespace Namespace lists the type of feature used Funnels
Site Id A site ID is a unique identifier assigned to a website to distinguish it from others. It helps identify and manage specific websites within Lucky Orange. You can find your Site ID within Settings. 1a2b3c4d
Session Id Session ID is the session where the visitor entered into the Conversion Funnel 1a2b3c4d-1234563529552-522793a5b3533fd0
Visitor Id A visitor ID is a unique identifier assigned to individual visitors on a website. It helps track and distinguish one visitor from another within Lucky Orange, enabling personalized experiences and analytics. Copy the entire field and use it to search within Lucky Orange's Visitors; Table. You may need to update the date range within the Visitors' Table. It will up all of the visitor's sessions within that date range rather than one session. 1a2b3c4d-7894561235489-re89723111aaa8af
Converted At Converted At is the date (UTC) when the visitor made it to the last step within the funnel, considered a conversion 2023-05-12T20:42:23.993Z
Funnel Id Funnel ID is the ID number of the conversion funnel. This is especially helpful when you have multiple funnels. ABCDEFG1hIJklM34NO
Hash This is information used within Lucky Orange internally 1230456078
Steps Completed Steps completed is the number of funnel steps the visitor completed 2
Time To Complete Time to Complete is how long (milliseconds) it took the visitor to complete the conversion funnel 1200434
Id This ID is used within Lucky Orange internally 1ABcDEfGhijkLmnOPQrSTU