How to view your multiple question survey results

Once you’ve launched your multi-question survey, it’s time to analyze the results! 

To get started

  1. Click Communicate on the left navigation bar
  2. Select Surveys
  3. Identify which survey you want to analyze 
  4. Click View Results to the right of the Survey you want to review

For multiple-choice Surveys

In the Summary tab, you will see all the questions asked and the most popular answer for each. 
  • Each Survey question will show the most popular answer and how many respondents chose that answer.
  • To the left of each question, you will see the number of respondents that chose the most popular answer and which percentage of respondents picked that answer out of the number of participants who answered the question.
  • On the left side of the page, you will see three boxes:
    • Response Rate is the percentage of visitors who were shown the survey and took it. 
    • Visitors Reached is how many visitors were shown the survey (whether or not they interacted with it).
    • The Average Time to Start is the amount of time that passed between when the visitors were shown the survey and when they interacted with it. 
The Questions tab shows a more in-depth view of each question with every answer. 
  • The percentage to the left of each option represents how many visitors chose that answer out of the total number of respondents.
  • The fraction to the left of each survey answer is the number of respondents that selected that answer divided by the total number of respondents. 
The Visitors tab shows you the list of website visitors that saw your survey.
  • In this tab, you can determine which visitors saw and took the survey, which options they selected and the date they took it. 
  • In the Visitor table, you can also watch the Session Recordings for each visitor shown the survey. 
  • To filter the Visitor chart by the date the visitors were shown the survey, use the Choose Date Range pull-down menu and select the time frame you want to see. 
Note: If you don't select a date range, every visitor that saw the survey will be displayed. 
The Settings tab shows you who your survey is being displayed to, the run time for the survey, what is triggering it and what page it’s on. 
  • In this tab, you can edit any part of the survey, including triggers or questions.

For open-ended surveys

In the Summary tab, you will see how many people completed, dismissed or ignored the survey. 
  • On the left side of the page, you will see three boxes:
    • Response Rate is the percentage of visitors who were shown the survey and took it. 
    • Visitors Reached is how many visitors were shown the survey (whether or not they interacted with it).
    • The Average Time to Start is the amount of time that passed between when the visitors were shown the survey and when they interacted with it. 
The Questions tab shows each survey question.
  • Each question card shows the percentage of people who responded to the question out of how many people viewed it. 
To see the responses from your visitors, click the view all Q1 Responses button to the right of each question or click the Responses tab at the top of the page. 
The Responses tab shows every response from your visitors.
  • Use the pull-down menu at the top to select which question you want to see the answers to.
  • To watch a Session Recording of a respondent, click the Watch button at the bottom of each card. 
    • You can also watch Session Recordings of your survey respondents in the Visitors tab. 
  • Click on the Extra Feedback tab to view additional feedback from your visitors. 
The Visitors tab shows you the list of website visitors that saw your survey.
  • In this tab, you can determine which visitors saw and took the survey, which options they selected and the date they took it. 
  • In the Visitor table, you can also watch the Session Recordings for each visitor that came across the survey. 
  • To filter the Visitor chart by the date that person was shown the survey, use the Choose Date Range pull-down menu and select the time frame you want to see. 
The Settings tab shows you who your survey is being displayed to, the run time for the survey, what is triggering it and what page it’s on. 
  • You can edit any part of the survey in this tab, including the triggers and questions. 

For Rating Surveys

In the Summary tab, you will see each question asked and the average rating for each. 
  • On the left side of the page, you will see three boxes: 
    • Response Rate is the percentage of visitors who were shown the survey and took it. 
    • Visitors Reached is how many visitors were shown the survey (whether or not they interacted with it).
    • The Average Time to Start is the amount of time that passed between when the visitors were shown the survey and when they interacted with it. 
The Extra Feedback tab shows visitors’ responses if you prompted them to leave additional feedback. 
  • Click the Watch button at the bottom of each feedback card to watch the Session Recording of that visitor when they responded to your survey. 
The Visitors tab shows which visitors viewed your survey and completed it.  
  • To watch the Session Recordings of your visitors, click the Watch button to the right of the chart. 
  • To filter the Visitor chart by the date that person was shown the survey, use the Choose Date Range pull-down menu and select the time frame you want to see. 
  • If you do not select a date range, you will be shown all visitors who were served your survey.
The Settings tab shows you who your survey is being displayed to, the run time for the survey, what is triggering it and what page it’s on. In this tab, you can edit any part of the survey, including the triggers and what questions you are asking