How to translate Lucky Orange in Chrome (mobile)

  1. At the bottom of the webpage, select the language you want to translate the website to
  2. To change the default language:
    1. Tap the three dots in the lower right corner
    2. Select More language and pick your desired language
  3. To always translate the webpage:
    1. Tap the three dots in the lower right corner
    2. Select Always translate pages in [language] 

If this option doesn’t display:

  1. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of your screen
  2. Select Translate
  3. Tap the language you want to translate the website to as seen at the bottom of the webpage
  4. To change the default language:
    1. Tap the three dots in the lower right corner
    2. Select More languages and pick your desired language
  5. To always translate the webpage:
    1. Tap the three dots in the lower right corner
    2. Select Always translate pages in [language]