How to add a new member

Note: Only account owners and admins have role permissions to add members

Click image to enlarge. 

  1. Navigate to Settings from the main navigation
  2. Click the purple Add Member button in the upper right corner
  3. Complete the information. When finished, select the purple Next button.
  4. Assign your new member a role within your organization. 
  5. Read on for a quick look at these permissions or click here for an overview of the roles
    1. Admin: Access to all areas of the app, including administrative settings such as site settings, account settings, billing information and member roles; this is the highest level of permission that can be assigned. 
    2. Creator: Access to most areas of the app except for administrative settings; Creators can create Surveys, Announcements, Chat Invites and Funnels.
    3. Member: Access to most areas of the app except for administrative settings; Members can access (but not create) Surveys, Announcements, Chat Invites and Funnels.  
  6. If you have more members to invite, select the gray Send & Add Another button to send this invite and start a new one
  7. If you are finished adding members at this time, select the purple Send Invite button

The new member will receive an email shortly after this process. They will need to accept the invite and follow the instructions to set up their Lucky Orange account.